- A friendly atmosphere, comfortable dress.
- Great Music, Sincere Worship Powerful teaching from the Bible.
- Giving tithes and offerings.
- Feeling inspired and motivated about God.
- Personal prayer if I request it.
YES! Communion is receiving a bread wafer and a small cup of juice; these symbolize the body and blood of Jesus. Communion acknowledges the death of Jesus & celebrates His resurrection from the dead. Anyone may receive communion at Faith Center. We receive communion periodically throughout the year in Sunday services.
Yes! The Bible teaches that water baptism is a public witness of ones’ personal decision to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The Bible teaches every Christ-follower is to be baptized. The only requirement for baptism is accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior.
- Attend weekly services and connect with Faith Center!
- Attend various ministries or volunteer to serve.
- Check the box that applies on the Bulletin Tear-out and place in the offering and a Faith Center Prayer Minister will contact you about the new members class.
- Attend The New Member’s Class
- When the Lord blesses us with a child, God entrusts us with raising that child in the way of the Lord and establishing a life foundation built upon Jesus Christ.
- At Faith Center, child dedications are “family dedications.” We publicly pray God’s blessing, protection and favor over each child and their family. This is a special event and you are invited to dedicate your child at Faith Center!
- To have your child dedicated at Faith Center, e-mail Pastor Gary at pastorgelrod@yahoo.com
Pastors and church leaders are available for prayer support and biblical guidance if scheduled in advance. This is a limited service for regular attendees and members. For in-depth, professional assistance, we suggest contacting a professional counselor. Faith Center does not endorse counselors or counseling centers.